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Transpire Blog

William Williford William Williford

Is this the post-discovery world you live in?

If this is your world, suffer the hellscape no longer. The post-discovery world changes forever March 7.

E-discovery has world-class consultants. Sleek, simple, elegant software tools. Top-notch support. A process as organized and painless as it can possibly be.

In court, trial consultants bring life to cases and keep the jury visually engaged.

But between those two? A wasteland of support. A hodgepodge of legacy and single purpose tools. Insecure data storage. Spreadsheets. Copies of the same deposition exhibit printed and marked up dozens of times by dozens of lawyers scattered across the floor.

A barren hellscape for practitioners.

That changes March 7th.

Stay tuned.

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Guest User Guest User

Heading to Relativity Fest 2024 as a Relativity Developer Partner

We are very excited to be part of Relativity Fest this year. Partnering with the original game-changer in legal technology to deliver a seamless end-to-end litigation workflow feels amazing.

We are very excited to be part of Relativity Fest this year. Partnering with the original game-changer in legal technology to deliver a seamless end-to-end litigation workflow feels amazing.

With the Transpire connector for Relativity®, users of both platforms can pull search results, production sets and document folders into their Transpire workspace from their Relativity workspace. If you aren’t familiar with Transpire, you should be. It’s the only post-discovery platform you will ever need.

The Transpire Platform

Transpire is the first and only legal software platform bridging the gap from discovery through trial – a single hub, purpose-built to help you work more efficiently, protect your knowledge, build your case and present it. Uninterrupted workflow and an unprecedented level of access to your data at every phase of a litigation matter: depositions, motion practice, hearings, arbitrations, and jury trial. 

Transpire lets you process data, import multimedia transcripts, map work product, create chronologies, parse testimony, build your arguments and persuade people with them. 

Powerfully collaborative features like notes, issue codes and chronologies help you organize and analyze case related information. With Transpire, case team members use case-critical documents as a foundation, adding annotations, key facts and links to turn a repository of production documents into a winning strategy. 

Come visit us in the Developer Bar in Community Pavilion to catch up, talk shop and grab some swag. If you haven’t registered for Relativity Fest yet, you can do it here.

Not headed to Fest this year? Check us out on the Relativity App Hub or schedule a quick call.

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Guest User Guest User

Transpire’s Relativity Connector: Changing the Game for Litigators and Service Providers

By integrating with Relativity, we can finally offer our partners and customers an uninterrupted workflow and an unprecedented level of access to their data at the most critical stages of litigation.

We recently announced the integration of our ground-breaking trial support platform with the market leading e-discovery platform, Relativity®. The new connector API for Relativity and RelativityOne allows users of both platforms to pull search results, production sets and document folders into their Transpire workspace directly from their Relativity workspace.

Because the transition from the discovery phase to post-discovery work involves different goals, stakeholders and evidence, the workflow has historically been disjointed. This integration reflects litigation’s true nature as a continuum.

Why is moving from discovery to trial so challenging?

The lion’s share of cases don’t make it to trial. But for those that survive Summary Judgment, the stakes are higher than ever.

As an industry, we have gotten really good at doing discovery. Litigation support professionals and service providers are adept at managing large volumes of data and delivering a relevant and responsive package of documents in accordance with clearly defined and understood rules, using software built specifically with this goal in mind. We have well-documented best practices. We even have a model for it. We are killing it.

Once a case proceeds beyond discovery, a very different set of considerations comes into view and those amazing document productions are only part of the picture.

Organizing piles of client documents, sifting through production load files for case-critical facts and parsing deposition transcripts for key testimony now top the task list - typically with a shockingly limited amount of time to check them off. Creating a reliable timeline of events, assembling a fundamental working outline and creating exhibits are key to crafting a winning strategy. 

Making deposition designations and comparing objections, building reports and e-briefs, creating chronologies managing facts, designing and labeling exhibits, creating clips and presenting them for any reason … Discovery software was not designed with any of this in mind, and so managing data throughout the lifecycle of litigation has been a clunky hodgepodge of disparate pieces of-off-the-shelf software and homegrown workarounds for as long as anyone can remember.

The absence of a seamless and integrated workflow opens the door to risk of data loss, inconsistencies, and the need for redundant work as information is transferred from one platform to another. Delays and increased costs are also a legitimate concern as legal teams scramble to reformat or reprocess data to fit the requirements of trial presentation software. And, if the technology used in trial preparation does not fully support the strategic goals of the trial, such as creating compelling visual aids or ensuring smooth presentation of evidence, the persuasiveness of the case can be compromised.

Building Bridges

Case teams first use Transpire throughout the deposition phase, while working through discovery in their e-discovery workspace. As key production documents are identified, they are pulled into Transpire for use as deposition exhibits and presented to participants alongside the integrated Real Time feed.

Once connected to a Relativity or Relativity One instance, permissioned users can build a clear and multidimensional picture of the story while preparing to tell it to a judge or jury with uninterrupted access to discovery documents, outlines, timelines, pleadings and testimony.

When discovery is complete and trial preparation kicks into high gear, any remaining production documents are likewise promoted to prospective trial exhibits, giving every stakeholder a single gateway to substantively review, analyze, and annotate all evidence in the case collaboratively and securely, from anywhere, without ever leaving the tool.

This integration completes the first seamless workflow for case-critical data from complaint to closing argument, allowing Relativity’s global community of practitioners and litigation support partners quickly and easily pull production images, natives, and metadata directly from Relativity and into Transpire for use in depositions and trial, without cumbersome export/import steps, and no fidelity loss to the original data. Messy handoffs resulting in loss of precious time and work product are now a thing of the past for users of both platforms.

Transpire is a Relativity Developer Partner with a listing on the Relativity App Hub, which includes integrations built by Relativity and its community.

Relativity Fest is right around the corner. You’ll find us in the Developer Bar at the show.

If you need to see Transpire as soon as possible, you can book a demo here.

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