Uncover insights.

Understand more deeply. Tell a better story.

Transpire saves time, enhances accuracy, and enables the creation of stronger case narratives. By efficiently organizing facts and linking them to critical case elements, attorneys can prepare thoroughly, communicate persuasively, and focus their efforts on winning outcomes.

  • All evidence, interviews, emails, and documents are stored in your Transpire matter, creating a single unified hub for your team. Team members share fact suggestions, notes, and analyses in real-time, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

  • Transpire illuminates key facts for human validation and links them to witnesses, testimony, issues, events and locations allowing attorneys to quickly see how the details fit into the bigger picture and build strong and complete case narratives.

  • Generate dimensional chronologies with facts linked to oral and written evidence to identify patterns and determine exposure.

  • Load multimedia transcripts, create your designations, track and respond to objections and create court-ready designation reports. Excerpts of relevant testimony are flagged as facts and included in your story.

  • Swiftly generate foundational outlines. By organizing facts, linking evidence to issues, and structuring arguments logically, you ensure your narrative is clear, persuasive, and aligned with your legal goals.

  • Transpire ensures that your underlying facts, evidence, and insights are organized and prepared for pre-trial work.

A Chasm Exists

Learn more about the high-value lawyering that happens once discovery closes. Take a look at Transpire’s Post Discovery Reference Model.

Transpire’s API Connector for Relativity® delivers a seamless transition from discovery to trial.