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Transpire enhances your online video conferencing experience with a secure way to prep witnesses, take depositions, manage exhibits and leverage what you’ve learned to create winning arguments. A realtime feed and Reveal and Share exhibit handling round out Transpire’s world class deposition repository and case prep platform.
The court reporter uses a token to activate Transpire’s real time feed within the platform. All attorneys with permission are able to follow the feed, watch the testimony and annotate as they go.
In parallel with your court reporter and the real-time feed, exhibits are revealed to other parties by the questioning attorney and stamped within the system, immediately becoming exhibits of record.
Real-time transcripts and shared exhibits serve as the foundation for final deliverables and never need to leave Transpire’s secure workspace.
Final transcripts are later overlaid onto the real-time draft, remapping user annotations and exhibit links.
Videographers can upload deposition videos and sync files directly into the platform, making the complete synchronized video transcript available to litigation teams.
Transcripts and exhibits are available to litigation team members, eliminating the need for a separate delivery process or repository.
Work more efficiently and collaboratively
to achieve positive outcomes.
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