We’re Certifiable
Focus on your team’s professional development this year. Training is available for every aspect of the platform to help you gain confidence and skill proficiency.
Add the best tools to your trial support toolbox and bring greater value to your organization.
Get Transpire Certified and set yourself apart.
Training Courses
Transpire Matter Management
90 min course
Any Skill Level End-User Admin
Attorneys + Paralegals
Litigation + Trial Support Professionals
Court Reporters
This course includes a comprehensive overview of Transpire’s collaborative case organization and management functionality used to create and customize matter templates, import documents, manage users and teams, and edit content such as folders, metadata, and tags.
Transcripts + Designations
90 min course
Any Skill Level End-User
Attorneys + Paralegals
Litigation + Trial Support Professionals
This course includes a comprehensive overview of Transpire’s deposition management functionality used to import synced and unsynced transcripts, create designations, add and manage citations and export final work product.
90 min course
Advanced Admin
Litigation + Trial Support Professionals
Transcript Delivery + Real-Time Feed
90 min course
Any Skill Level End-User Admin
Litigation + Trial Support Professionals
Court Reporters
90 min course
Any Skill Level End-User Admin
Attorneys + Paralegals
Litigation + Trial Support Professionals
This course includes an in-depth review of hosting realtime transcripts and managing subsequent transcript versions. Participants must already be NCRA certified.
Presentation Basics
90 min course
Any Skill Level End-User Admin
Attorneys + Paralegals
Litigation + Trial Support Professionals
Court Reporters
This course includes the basics for using the Transpire Presenter App. Participants will become familiar with switching between online and offline copies when appropriate, understand staging mechanics and learn how to mark up documents and transcripts locally using a secondary display.
Built for Transpire Service Law Firm or Alliance partners, or anyone looking to better understand how to convey Transpire’s value to clients and customers, this course provides the insight, language and value proposition to become fluent.
Transpire LIVE for Remote Hearings
This course focuses specifically on Tranpsire’s live hearing functionality. Participants will learn how to create and manage meeting rooms, launch live presentations using Transpire’s Presenter App and appreciate how to properly manage the participant experience.
Advanced Case Administration
90 min course
Advanced End-User Admin
Attorneys + Paralegals
Litigation + Trial Support Professionals
Designed for intermediate users who have completed Transpire Matter Management, this course includes an in-depth review of Transpire functionality designed for importing document productions, replacing media, advanced metadata editing, and administration of the entire organization.
In The Hotseat
This course is geared toward advanced Transpire presenters and covers presentation workflow optimization, setting and managing shortcut keys, adding cues as well as fine tuning online and on the fly during trial or arbitration.
Transpire for Sellers
60 min course
Any Skill Level
Attorneys + Paralegals
Litigation + Trial Support Professionals
Transpire Partners
Transpire Basics
120 min course
Beginner End-User
Attorneys + Paralegals
Litigation + Trial Support Professionals
Designed for beginners, Transpire Basics is a two-hour, introductory course to the Transpire platform covering the foundation of the basic concepts, features, and terminology used throughout the application from the first deposition through trial. This course lays the foundation for all other courses listed below.
Advanced Transcript Management
90 min course
Advanced End-User Admin
Attorneys + Paralegals
Litigation + Trial Support Professionals
Designed for intermediate users who have completed Transpire Transcripts + Designations, this course includes an in-depth look at Transpire functionality designed for managing transcripts and designation workflow, including importing synced transcripts, presenting transcripts, adding cues, and fine-tuning playback.
Individual Certifications
Certified Solutions Pro
The Transpire Certified Solutions Pro certification is designed to help Transpire SaaS and self-hosted administrators and users verify depth and breadth of proficiency in the Transpire platform.
Certified Sales Pro
The Transpire Certified Sales Pro certification is designed to help individuals articulate Transpire's value and validate their understanding of how Transpire can effectively solve the challenges they face.
LIVE Certified Court Reporter
The Transpire LIVE Certified Court Reporter certification is specific to court reporters and stenographers, focusing simply and intently on using Transpire for depositions as well as live hearings and trials.
Case Management Specialist
The Transpire Case Management Specialist certification is designed to help Transpire users become expert in case administration, organization, strategy and collaboration.
Transcript Specialist
The Transpire Transcript Specialist certification is designed to help Transpire users become expert in handling deposition designations and objections and testimony in general.
Hot Seat Specialist
The Transpire Hot Seat Specialist certification helps trial techs leverage Transpire's presentation functionality to effectively create and share evidence in any setting.